Saturday 18 January 2014

Waves - Flash Fiction

The ocean was larger than she’d thought, extending farther than the eye could see and beyond even her most fanciful imaginings. Limitless. Its waves were unrestrained, sucking, crashing, desperate things. They were shameless in their intent, determined to pull her down. She might just drown, if she allowed them to take her. It was so tempting to let go, to release her grasp on the rope that kept her safe, the rope that held her up beyond the reach of all that righteous need.

And then she had no choice. The rope was gone, pulled from her grasp by an unseen force, leaving her gasping and uninhibited in the waves until all she could do was surrender.

------------ piece was loosely inspired by Laila Blake's novella Driftwood Deeds. I'm obsessed with the cover - the rope matching the nail art basically rocks my world. One of the really evocative aspects of this novella, however, is the setting. There's a scene in which the two main characters, Iris and Paul, go for a walk along the beach. There is little mention of the ocean, but the talk of sand and shells reminds the reader that they are walking along the threshold of the ocean's territory, just as Iris walks towards the precipice of her sexual awakening.


  1. It's a lovely piece, Helena! I can definitely see Laila's influence on you there :)

    Please post some more flash soon.

  2. Oh! This is wonderful.

    Moar soon please. I'm very greedy.

  3. Thank you both so much!

    I can get quite addicted to writing flash... so I'm sure it won't be long til I scribble some more. :)
